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self-esteem and medical weight loss

Falling in Love—with Yourself!

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It's Valentine's Day — time to think about love! But what about loving yourself? It can be quite crucial for long-term success on your medical weight loss plan. We'll look at what self-love means — and how you can get it.

It’s Valentine’s Day, and maybe you’re preoccupied with managing the chocolate, candy, and decadent dinners that often accompany Feb 14th. But let’s set all that aside for a more pressing issue: uncovering the real meaning of Valentine’s Day, which is love. This includes not only your main squeeze, but also yourself. Do you love yourself? It can be quite crucial for long-term success on your medical weight loss plan. Let’s look a little deeper at what self-love means and how you can get it.

  1. Setting Boundaries: Part of self-esteem involves setting appropriate boundaries—that is, claiming the space that’s yours and letting people know what that is. For your medical weight loss program, boundary-setting is important. Think of your boundaries as anything that encroaches on your weight loss program or can keep you from success. Some may be physical: For example, you may need to rule some diet-friendly snacks and foods in the pantry as strictly ‘off-limits’ for your husband and kids. Other boundaries may be time-related:  If you need to leave work no later than 5:30 every day to ensure you have time to cook a healthy meal, you might need to set boundaries with co-workers who may expect you to work late or take on additional projects (just because you always have). Potential sabotage of your weight loss plan can come from anywhere; healthy boundary-setting defends your weight loss plan from attack. 
  2. Prioritizing Yourself: You may be conditioned to feel selfish over putting yourself and your needs first. Well, don’t! Taking care of your own needs is a key component of self-love. It’s also critical for your medical weight loss plan. If you don’t put yourself first, you may not be in the best frame of mind to follow your weight loss plan. Self-care for your weight loss plan may mean being well rested and stress-free. If you accomplish this by, for example, getting sufficient sleep and regular exercise, and long chats on the phone with close friends, make sure you prioritize yourself—and these needs—in your life.
  3. Standing Up for Yourself: Many of us have been told to ‘go along to get along’ in life—that is, to not make waves. It can be tough to confront someone when you’re not comfortable with this role. But standing up for yourself and asking for what you need is a great life skill that will also help with long-term weight loss. It doesn’t mean being nasty, either. It simply involves stating what you need and calmly asking for it. This will come in handy when you need to tell well-meaning relatives that you don’t want to be asked for seconds or have food pushed on you when you visit. Ditto for your co-workers who invite you to coffee and muffins every day at 4 even though they know you’re trying to lose weight. Tell them, politely, that you appreciate being included, but that you take a quick walk at 4 every day and to please not ask you again.  And let them know they are always invited to come join you and your positive health habits!

Next Steps: 

See how to build a positive self-image along with a better body.
Get tips to avoid emotional eating with the 4 R’s.
Find a center near you to schedule a consultation with a CMWL physician.



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